Preparation Tips from our Loyal Customers
I put three tea bags in a 32oz Nalgene, fill with hot water, cover and out the door I go. I haven't tried it any other way yet. This is quick and easy and fits my active lifestyle. - Tamie Kugler |
Have a special way to prepare matte. With a french press put 2 tablespoons of Matte, a dash of cayanne pepper and a tablespoon of local honey. This is excellent to clear up allergies, give energy and tastes so heavenly. - Mary Jane |
I put mine in a doubleshot espresso cup, and then extract about 1 to 1.5 cups of yummy mate. - Ethan |
I scoop about three heaping tablespoons into a 34oz plastic coffee mug from gas station and fill it with boiling water. The snap on lid filters the tea as I drink it. Sometimes I use 2 tablespoons of mate and add 1 tablespoon of bulk green tea leaves to give it a different flavor. When empty, I refill it with water and microwave it 3 minutes to brew another batch. - George Perez |
I prepare my mate in my espresso machine. A couple of teaspoons in the puck, then I have a couple of ounces of nice strong mate, to which I add warm milk and honey. Keeps me going all day!- Melissa |
I add a scoop of Stevia leaf (or a blend like "Wisdom of the Ancients" brand Sym-fre) to two scoops of mate', and brew in a 12-cup coffee maker. It sweetens naturally, with a host of other benefits to boot. Enjoy! - Daniel |
I make my Yerba Mate by the gallon, and drink it iced. I use a drip coffee pot; I put about 4 tablespoons of the tea in the drip basket, and run a full pot of water through it. After pouring the resulting tea in a gallon pitcher, I run another pot of water through the same tea. When that one is done, I pop the filter with the wet leaves right in that second pot of tea. I let the whole thing steep for about 20 minutes so I get the full effect of the leaves. I then strain that pot through cheesecloth, mixing it in with the first pot in the gallon pitcher. I add water to equal one gallon, and I have great Yerba to drink iced for the next few days. If you use this method, be sure to stir the gallon pitcher each time you get a glass. Some of the teeny beneficial particles settle to the bottom...you want to get the full benefit with every glass! - Mary McClellan |
I brew my yerba mate in a very un-PC manner. I fill my large-sized mug with cold water, add 2 yerba tea bags and microwave on high for about 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Then I let it steep for 1-2 minutes and add sugar or honey. Sacreligious but delicious! My 14 year-old twin sons enjoy it too! One of them prefers to add soy milk. Reading about the experiences of others will encourage me to try new methods. Thanks! - Debbie Mans, Maputo, Mozambique |
I put my yerba mate into a pot of cold water and then I add one scoop of stevia leaf for sweetness. I bring it to a boil..take off and let steep for 5 min and then pour through strainer into tea pot and enjoy all day long. - Kathy |
10 oz cool well water add 1 tsp mate let set 1/2 hour (cold infusion tea) add 1 drop of favorite organic extract ......I love lemon and mints....stir with a wooden implement and then stain into a nice cup and enjoy. I also like to make batches of cold infused tea and freeze in individual ice trays with a sprig of peppermint or chunk of fresh lemon or what ever fresh herb or fruit I have on hand in each cube to place in tea.....is very pretty and fun to drink. I use no sweeteners at all......delicious...simply delicious.......I personally use and reuse the tea till it no longer leaches color when infused.....I feel its sacred. Love the stuff! - Anna |
In Argentina they often use a grapefruit or an orange instead of a mate gourd. I make a hole in the top of the grapefruit and remove a little from inside (taking care not to damage the bottom). Then I put the bombilla and yerba and........voila!!!! You can pour hot water as a usual mate, or you can pour cold water (called 'terere') - Ileana |
I love the bombilla, but don't like the small size of the mate. I use my 16 oz mug, put two spoons of yerba mate in the bottom, place my bombilla on top and pour hot, not boiling (it ruins the whole texture of the tea) water up to the rim. I refill another 8 - 10 oz using same, leaves. I have this every morning and love it! - Christine Enos |
I use a french press, make it strong, chill it and put it in my CamelBak for long bike rides! - Anthony Azzara |
For each 10 oz. (300 ml) mug, I put a slightly heaped scoop using one of those round scoops that comes with a Bodum coffee maker. Probably translates to about two tablespoons. Then I add cold water to it, about 20% of the intended volume that I wish to brew. I stir this up and let it sit for a few minutes. Then I pour in boiling water. Because it mixes with the cold water already in the brew, it comes down almost instantly to an ideal yerba mate brewing temperature without "burning" the herb and producing bitter flavours. I stir the concoction, then let it steep for at least eight minutes (no less!), stir it once again, and then press down the plunger. Delicious and simple. I drink it straight. - Derrick Pohl |
I have found that using a Mr. Coffee Ice tea maker works Great for Mate. You can brew up to three quarts at a time. The design of the tea maker lets the tea stay in the brew basket longer, rather than running straight through. Also the brew temperature seems better suited for Mate brewing. We also use a nylon coffee filter basket. It works better than the paper filters. Clean up is easy. Enjoy - Doug & Sylvia Cook, Johnstown, Ohio |
Fruit juice concoction: Step 1. I boil water and let the yerba steep until it gets a dark color (then I know it's strong) that is 1 cup of water per 1 teaspoon of yerba. Step 2. Strain the yerba and add it to any fruit cocktail to give that extra jolt. My preference is organic cranberry and apple juice. - Maria Diamantis, Montreal, Quebec, Canada |
Nope, I don't believe Yerba was made to be brewed at all. I take 2-4 oz. fruit place in 16 oz cup. Add Mango puree of 3-4 oz. Add about 4 oz Yerba. Add 4 oz. ice and whip the dickens into a smoothie and drink straight up. It goes directly to the heart!s - Bob Osenenko |
Tastes great with a little peppermint leaf or cinnamon added, and with raw sugar! - Norm Cooper, Vancouver, Washington |
I think I am getting addicted to drinking it with honey, although I will occasionally drink it plain. I like it very strong though, so usually I will drink the first round from the french press, then my wife will add more water and drink the next round. - Scott Bushard, Lansing, Michigan |
I boil 5 tablespoons with 5-8 cups of water in a pot on the stove. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring. Take off just before rolling boil begins. Let cool and stir. When around 90% of the floating mate sinks, brew is ready. Pour into secondary container through a fine mesh common household strainer. Enjoy! - Nicholas Miller |
First, I make an 8oz. cup of hot mate and let it steep until it's nice and strong. Next I add 4 oz. of chai tea (I prefer the Oregon Original Chai) and 2 oz. of vanilla soy milk (Sun Soy is my favorite). Throw in some Ice cubes and you have an awesome blend of some great flavors that will fire you up for a few hours. - Wynn Wilson, Medford, Oregon |
I put six heaping tablespoons in a gallon jar, fill it with pure water and leave it outside in the sun all day. When I get home from work I strain the tea into smaller containers and store in the fridge. It's good cold. I've made it much weaker but I like it strong. - Alfred Schock, Boulder, Colorado |
First, I make an 8oz. cup of hot mate and let it steep until it's nice and strong. Next I add 4 oz. of chai tea (I prefer the Oregon Original Chai) and 2 oz. of vanilla soy milk (Sun Soy is my favorite). Throw in some Ice cubes and you have an awesome blend of some great flavors that will fire you up for a few hours. - Wynn Wilson, Medford, Oregon |
©2024 Nativa Yerba Mate
375 Redondo Ave, A561
Long Beach, California 90814