"Excellent Stuff!!! I look forward to drinking my Nativa Yerba Mate. It's gives me plenty of energy!"
Michelle Huber-kropp
Lexington, Kentucky
"Nativa Yerba Mate gives me the extra kick I need in the morning and I love to start my day with it."
Claudia Lopes
Plainville, Connecticut
"I am more energized every morning. I was born in Uruguay and lived there until I was 10 years old. I remember drinking mate. My mom would put milk in it, that was the only way she could get me to drink milk. To this day I feel that Yerba Mate has special powers for my physical being. It also brings me back to days when things were more simple and light hearted. Yerba Mate gives me excellent memories."
Maria Brasel
Brighton, Colorado
"Totally satisfied! Being an artist I can't be nervous and shaky like coffee made me. I drink Nativa all day long and it gives me energy and I feel good for doing something good for myself."
Kevin Pourier
Scenic, South Dakota
"I love this product and recommend it to everyone. I especially appreciate the extra daily energy with no jitters."
Anna Williams
Federal Way, Washington
"It sustains me through long 12 hour days at work and keeps me from drinking the carbonated drinks which are terrible for me."
Rachel Rodgers
Lindale, Texas
"My mother who is 88 years old says that she feels more energy when drinking the tea and she is able to do more of her bead making activities. I also drink it and feel that I gain more energy as I work 12 hours shifts as a nurse."
May Escobar
Stockton, California
wake up at 4:30 every morning and drink two cups of Yerba
Mate before my very aggressive work out. Nativa seems
to keep me going the entire time. No jitters afterwards...
it's great."
Michael Williams
Grand Island, Nebraska
"I drink Nativa Yerba
Mate every morning. It gives me a energy boost and it makes
me feel great throughout the day. I love Nativa Yerba Mate!!"
Tommy Phelps
Lavergne, Tennessee
"Yerba Mate is my 'Morning
Wake Up'Daily. I feel energized without the 'Jitters'. I love the taste of Yerba
Mate with a little honey. I look forward to my Yerba Mate
Tea every morning."
Nancy Smith
Visalia, California
"I love the little boost
I get in the afternoon from Nativa's yerba mate. I couldn't
do without it."
Wayne Owens
Helotes, Texas
"My son introduced me to Nativa
Yerba Mate a little over 2 years ago and I have been drinking
it every morning since then. I get a "fresher" perk me up feeling
than I do with coffee. I also enjoy it brewed with chai and iced.
Thank you for an honest product."
Karen Curry
Sparrowbush, New York
"I find the product very satisfying.
It truly does give you a boost of energy and everything else the
site claims. I'm very satisfied with the product."
Jason Zimmerman
Elizabethville, Pennsylvania
"I drink one
cup of Yerba Mate each morning to increase my energy level in the
mornings and to help carry me over to my lunch hour!"
Rebecca Reynolds
Dallas, Texas
"A friend at work mentioned the tea Yerba Mate. So we began "The Great Yerba Mate World Search" via the internet a month ago. I was lucky and found your website first. Nativa Yerba Mate Tea is simply the best. Thanks!"
Dave McLean Fire Protection Designer Eagle River, Alaska
"I have never felt the necessity to 'rave' about something before.. but yerba mate has made me a happier and more energetic person. I really can tell a difference."
Katie Moore Texas A and M University College Station, Texas
"When i drink Coffee, tea, or a normal (blah) energy drink, I am energized for an hour or two, then I start having the jitters. I get very anxious and nervous until it's out of my system. Since I've started drinking Yerba Mate, though it's been different, I'll drink a gourd full and be very energized but I won't get the stress that I get with everything else.
I am more focused, and have energy to do everything that i need to during the day. I will be drinking Yerba Mate for a long time to come"
Devin Sunderland Audio technician Myrtle Creek, Oregon

"I'm not a morning person, and I've never liked coffee, so before Nativa I was usually grumpy and out of it in the morning.
Now, if I have to get up early, I drink a few glasses of iced yerba mate and I'm ready to go. No sleepiness, no fatigue, I just feel alert and uplifted.
For the ultimate energy burst, drink Nativa out of a gourd. Hard to get used to, but you get so much energy you don't know what to do with yourself!"
John Rogers Woodlands, Texas
"I was never big on morning coffee to begin with, but since discovering Nativa Yerba Mate tea, I have found a great energy drink. Yerba Mate gives me an even keeled blast of energy, not a jittery feeling produced by regular coffee. I drink it every morning!"
Trish Buffalo, New York
"Not only is Nativa Yerba Mate a great drink throughout the work day, it keeps energy levels up and keeps the system in top shape. This tea has become a staple to my every day activity."
William Green Shelton, Connecticut
"My energy levels have increased noticeably...I'm a student & in spite of late nights spent studying, my cup of yerba mate gives me the energy-boost to face a new day!"
Sunita Pagedar Buffalo, New York
"I find that I am less prone to have lulls in the day. On a more even energy level."
Ann Schatzle Dallas, Texas
"Great energy source. Great in the morning"
Marcos Ariaz Lubbock, Texas
"It makes me feel mellow and energized. It is a very enjoyable beverage and I drink at least 6-8 cups a day. I like to add some coconut oil and Stevia to my Yerba Mate--very healthy & tasty that way.
Sometimes I add spices like cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice & coconut milk. I love Nativa Yerba Mate."
Louise Javra Lombard, Illinois
"I have MS and was taking ginseng for fatigue. I have switched to Mate (in the french press-mate style is a bit too strong) several times a day and am able to maintain a good energy level throughout the day."
Linda Merchant Evanston, Illinois
"It provides a boost in the morning without the coffee crash (and jitters and sweat)."
Todd Pubanz Shawano, Wisconsin
"Before drinking Nativa Yerba Mate, I was chronically tired, even drinking 2-3 large cups (about 60 oz.) of coffee each day. What a change with the yerba! Awake before the alarm goes off, sleeping much better, and no post-lunch slump. Very even high energy level, and better stress tolerance. This was the best health decision I've made this year."
Cynthia Holley Corporate Real Estate Lafayette, Colorado
"What a smooth full robust flavour-it gives me a flow of sustained energy all through the day- THANKS-NATIVA!"
Manfred Gerlach Pickering, Ontario, Canada
"I have more energy, and I can notice a difference if I do not drink some every day."
Kathryn Cressy Cook, Minnesota
"I drink Yerba Mate every morning. It is my way of waking up and greeting the day. It gives me an energy that is not a 'hyped up' feeling but rather a natural energy that comes from a great lifestyle."
Nancy Smith Registered Nurse Reno, Nevada
"Yerba Mate increases my energy level and remains for hours then tapers off.Coffee also increased my energy, but it made me feel jittery and a bit nervous if I had more than one cup. Yerba does not keep me awake at night if I consume it as does coffee."
Karl Johnson, Chiropractor Chiropractic Wellness Center of Macomb Clinton Township, Michigan
"I bought mate' purely on the recommendations I read on the Nativa web site.
Now I drink it pretty much daily and have introduced it to dozens of friends. My favorite is to make a big pitcher of iced mate'!"
Kim Forrette Social Services Worker Wilmington, Delaware
"I notice that yerba gives me more of a boost in the morning than coffee does. The increase in energy seems to last longer, and there is no comedown as with coffee."
Scott Cranmer Artist Audubon, New Jersey
"There is nothing that complements a healthy workout routine than juicing up with Nativa yerba mate. This stuff makes me feel great."
Ben Lyman Project Manager - Telecommunications

"I was an avid coffee drinker for many years, with my favorite drink being a triple shot latte. However, I found myself often completely losing energy midway through the afternoon. In fact the only way I could recuperate would be to drag myself to a discrete area of the office and grab a 15 minute catnap on the floor! My sister had heard of Yerba Mate from a local health food store and mentioned to me that it was regarded as a coffee substitute. I immediately went on a mission to track down this exotic herb. Wanting to know more about my new found green leafed ally, I did an Internet search which produced several information sites some of which also offered Yerba Mate. I ordered from several companies for comparison, and found Nativa to be the best in both quality and service. The taste of the natural green tea (unsmoked) was much better suited to my palette, the loose tea was well priced, the delivery was prompt and accurate. And to cap off my testimonial .... I haven't needed a nap since!"
Aidan C. Gordon General Manager Gordon Crane & Hoist

"My wife and I quit coffee and replaced it with Nativa yerba mate. We will not be going back to coffee. We feel better, have more energy, and have no headaches since we have been drinking yerba mate every morning. We like the fact that we can drink it in the evening and still sleep like a baby. Thanks for making it available."
Roy Groves School Bus Driver Plano, Texas

"Nativa has grown to be one of the mainstays of my day! I love the way it makes me feel. I feel energized in a healthy, not 'rushy' sort of way. I sleep better. I use it for an afternoon pick me up that last throughout the important parts of my day- evening. I like to greet my husband with energy and enthusiasm. Nativa gives me all of this. I flavor it with the Amaretto creamer and it has become my favorite 'comfort' beverage, like hot chocolate used to be. (Though Mate has vitamins instead of sugar and calories!) I gave some to a Mexican friend of mine (he does not speak English) His daughter told me that he raised his hands high above his head in triumphant jubilation for the energy and strength he felt. I am glad I was able to introduce him to it because he is a manual laborer and an older fellow. He LOVES it."
Brenda Cason Homemaker Palestine, Texas

"I read about the plant in an article in Men's Fitness magazine. I am quite active in cycling and running, and was tired of the negative effects when drinking coffee. I decided just recently to give Nativa yerba mate a try. WOW, it was just as the article explained, increased vigor and better recovery. I prepare it with distilled water in a French Press and add a touch of honey."
Dave Drabic Teacher Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

"I first bought Nativa yerba mate after hearing a story about it on NPR radio last year. Since caffeine has a very strong effect on my wife it seemed like it would be worthwhile to try it as an alternative to coffee. Well, I ordered a kilo and two bombillas. We tried drinking it the traditional way through the bombillas, but have found that we prefer to brew it like coffee in a drip coffee maker. We haven't bought a can of coffee since we first tried it this way. The first thing I do every morning is put on a pot of Nativa. We love the flavor and find that it gives us both a subtly increased energy level, without the nervousness or other negative effects of caffeine."
Michael Casey Engineer Fallbrook, California

"Since switching to Nativa yerba mate from coffee I've become a bit of a preacher. I brew the tea for my fellow workers who enjoy my efforts and look forward to each offering. One person now lives for Yerba Mate as a morning stimulant. He also uses the tea when hiking in the mountains, and has got his friends going on it. He told me the first time they all hiked up a local mountain after drinking Yerba Mate there were no stops and they literally flew up the slopes."
Alfred Schock Waiter Boulder, Colorado

"I started drinking Nativa yerba mate after a friend recommended it to me. I had been complaining of lack of energy and stamina since my head injury last year. Once I started drinking it, my energy level increased beyond my expectations and I am now able to catch up on all my backlogged projects around the house. I have been singing the praises of yerba mate ever since my transformation. Thanks to all at Nativa for providing this tea at a reasonable cost."
Glenn Podhola Management Analyst, US Dept of Defense Carleton, Michigan
"I enjoy a nice cup of tea almost every morning. It gives me energy and helps wake me up, without the caffeine coffee has. This company has always delivered the tea promptly whenever I order."
Joe Kenyon Financial Consultant Creston, Iowa
"I have been drinking Nativa yerba mate tea for over a year now. I originally started drinking Yerba Mate as an alternative to coffee. Mate has very little caffeine, yet the energy level is so good that my wife can't drink it after 9 PM. It is not like other teas; it has a full-bodied flavor and a wonderful aroma. I take my Mate and a tea ball to work with me every day and many of my friends have also enjoyed some 'Mate for their Body'."
Gary Woodruff Television Editor Metuchen, New Jersey

"Recently my son returned from a missions trip to South America. He gave me a mate gourd and a bombilla as a gift, telling me how everyone drinks it down there. I researched yerba mate on the net and liked what I was reading about yerba mate. I have been ordering yerba mate from Nativa and have been drinking it daily for over two months. I enjoy it in the morning as it really gives me energy for the rest of the day. It's great after work and on weekends too! Some of my friends give me a strange look, but that's OK because if they knew about yerba mate they would be drinking it too."
Douglas Cook Traffic Maintenance Supervisor Johnstown, Ohio

"Nativa yerba mate is by far the most significant recent addition to my lifestyle. I will surely consume it for life. Between work, school, and play my mind and body utilize every ounce of energy that exists within me. Operating on about five or six hours of sleep a day, yerba mate enables me to sustain this overloaded lifestyle both physically and mentally. In fact, my energy levels exceed and are more positive than most people know."
Ryan Gerardi Computer Information Systems Chicago, Illinois
"In terms of health, after my three hour workout (5 days) weekly, I find that Nativa yerba mate gives me a 'lift', which unlike coffee, is mellow. Yerba mate does not have a 'down side' after drinking either, which coffee does. Nativa is a nice drink. It has a nice taste and gives me a good lift.
Al Potter Retired Histology Technician Moses Lake, Washington
"Yerba mate is a much better stimulant than coffee. Instead of the sharp 'ups and downs' of a cup of coffee, yerba mate gives me a steady, more prolonged and even energy boost without making me jittery."
Bill Salter Systems Manager Richmond, Virginia
"I drink Nativa every day and have more energy and less stress because of it."
Sharon Markham Homemaker Alexandria, Virginia
"I was introduced to yerba mate while living in Argentina for several years, and was 'steeped' in the tradition. I had many opportunities to share it an especially enjoyed it while 'charlando' with friends around an asado. As I continued my degree I worked full-time on the night shift and found that it helped as a great pick-me-up when I studied. I searched unsuccessfully for a store from which to purchase yerba mate and bombillas and finding Nativa yerba mate and convenient on-line ordering was great!"
Norm Cooper Chemical Services Manager Vancouver, Washington
couldn't believe it. After 3 days I wasn't exhausted when I
came home from work, I have started eating better because I am
not so tired, and my outlook on life has improved and I am actually
starting to do things after work and days off besides sitting
feeling so worn out. My sister-in-law came to visit from Argentina
and she let me taste her tea and then I went on your website to
read about mate..So I tried it -How good I feel...Thanks"
Sherry Carricato
Mead, Colorado
husband drink Nativa Yerba Mate every single morning. Whan we
go to bed at night, I'm thinking about how nice it will be to
wake up and enjoy a cup of Yerba Mate. It's a great way to
start the day, and gives alertness and energy to begin a day's
work. We've told many of our friends about it."
Konnie Kleppe
Kalamazoo, Michigan
our business we have a coffee maker for coffee and one dedicated
to Nativa Mate. The mate pot is brewed a couple of times a day
giving everyone a satisfying beverage to energize us thoughout
the day. Nativa Yerba Mate keeps us happily producing our graphics
day in and day out."
Wes Shinn
Portland, Oregon
Yerba Mate has lived up to its claims in every respect for
me. My work requires a great deal of schedule flexibilty,
so I try to take advantage of the various preparation methods.
Sometimes I can make a pot with the coffee maker at work;
sometimes I carry my Thermos. My favorite way is to drink
directly from the mate', which I can usually do on weekends.
I have introduced a number of friends to your products,
generally to rave reviews. The most
satisying benefit for me is the overall sense of well-being
that I notice from drinking yerba mate'. I particularly
enjoy the slow, subtle way in which that sensation affects
my spirit in very positive ways. "
Patrick White
Akron, Ohio
"I have
been drinking Nativa Yerba Mate for 5 years and it has become
a regular part of every day due to the extra energy, enhanced
mood, and great taste it provides me. Nativa Yerba Mate is
my brand!"
Bryan Mahoney
New York, New York
"Nativa Yerba
Mate has been an integral part of my life for over three years.
For me, it enhances physical, mental and emotional vitality.
Although it is best enjoyed on a calm Sunday morning, it can
also help get you through long, stressful days at work. As an
avid Mate drinker I've tried many different brands, but Nativa
is definitely the best in flavor and quality."
Jesse Cushman
Los Angeles, California
"I first tried
mate with one of my friends before playing a gig, because he told
me that after a few cups I would be able to get on stage feeling
like a million bucks, and it worked. I couldn't find the store
where he said he bought it, so I decided to just look it up online
which is how I stumbled upon Nativa. Ever since my gourd, bombilla,
and 2 lbs of mate arrived I've been drinking a gourd refilled
7-10 times a day and have felt wonderful. My outlook is more positive,
I have more energy, and these positive vibes have been rubbing
off on my personal life at school. Mate has become my drink
of choice over coffee now, and has also helped me to make new
friends, and tighten up old friendships, just because everyone
wants to know what that bong-looking thing i take to class is."
Andrew Siegmund
Music Student
Succasunna, New Jersey
was introduced to Yerba mate this afternoon. I am totally
amazed at how good I feel.
The experience is one of being grounded, balanced and
energized. There is a lightness and deep calm at the same
time. My mind is totally energized with a sense of heightened
I am very grateful and
pray that we are not over-harvesting the South American
forests to provide us with such a phenominal product."
Aura Wright
Yerba Mate always brings a smile to my face. Not only
does it bring a boost of energy, it somehow increases my
sense of optimism. In fact, sometimes after having had
a cup or two I spontaneously burst into song! It's much
better than coffee as a stimulant, though the smell of either
one brewing is sheer bliss. One day I experimented by putting
Mate into my espresso maker--the greenish-brown liquid it
made packed more of a jolt than a wall outlet! I felt sure
I could fly. Great stuff!"
Brian Calahan
Nursing Assistant
Waterville, Maine
"I drank
3 to 4 cups of coffee a day. It made me irritable and jittery.
When drinking coffee my stomach was uncomfortable. I enjoyed
the flavor but could not tolerate the way it made me feel.
One of my co-workers introduced me to what I call the elixir.
The flavor was extremely unique but I enjoy it a lot. The
stronger brew the better. I drink a "gourd" a day.
I find my stomach is relaxed, I feel stimulated with out the
jitters. I noticed I get my best work done while drinking
Mate. I'm happier when drinking the tea. I love the history,
the ritual, the taste, the clean mental clarity and the way
it settles my stomach. Yerba Mate makes me happy."
Gerald Beyer
Aberdeen, New Jersey
"I have heard
of Yerba Mate, and a friend introduced me to it. I have been
hooked since. The entire process of preparing the drink to the
effects of the yerba is relaxing and soothing. It seems
almost spiritual as I'm sure the Guarani originally viewed it."
Eric Soto
La Mirada, California
"You would
love to use us in advertising. I brought a sample of yerba mate
home from a natural foods show and shared it with my 17 yr old
son. He researched the product and came up with your company on
the Internet. He read about you and felt it was the best value
and we placed our first order in March, 2004. We both drink it
daily and have purchased at least 6 pounds from you since March.
Paul used the gourd and the silver straw thing.....I just steep
it in a cup. We both truly feel it gives us positive energy
and we know we are doing great things for our bodies."
Susan Neuenschwander
Fargo, North Dakota
feel invigorated and in a better overall mood when I drink Nativa
Yerba Mate. I have stopped drinking coffee and only drink
the tea throughout the day - it doesn't make my stomach hurt
like coffee did."
Roxanna May
Des Moines, Iowa
"I'm a recovering
drug addict with a history of psychotic breakdowns, and it's very
important that I no longer introduce my brain to harmful chemicals.
I heard about Mate and all of it's qualities so I gave it a try.
All I have to say is, WOW. My mood has been uplifted constantly ever since
I tried this amazing drink. Most
importantly, my thinking process and mind state is not abnormal
when I drink it, and I drink a lot of it! Overall, I just feel great.
Yerba mate truly is the greatest drink there is; thank you for providing
such a good product."
John Rogers
State of Washington
Woodlands, Texas
first taste of yerba mate convinced me that I had found THE drink
for me. I immediately had a sense of well being which I thought
was just a 'settled' stomach. But the more I drank yerba mate the
more benefit I realized. It's outstanding."
Kathy Whisler
Program Manager
State of Washington
Tacoma, Washington
"I have more energy and a good overall feeling."
James Davis
Seattle, Washington
have been delighted with improved mood ever since I was introduced
to Nativa yerba mate by my brother Eric Johnson. I was consuming
some coffee (one cup a morning with my wife) for some time. My brother
sent me a kilo of the Yerba Mate to try last Christmas and I
have noticed (and so has my wife) that my mood is elevated as a
Karl Johnson, Chiropractor Chiropractic Wellness Center of Macomb Clinton Township, Michigan
tea is the best! It helps me feel my best! I am in a better
mood and sleep better and am much more active!"
Gina Renteria
Food Service
Ruebens, Idaho
day with Nativa yerba mate is an experience in a heightened sense
of well-being. I enjoy the unique flavor of each swallow and
tend to drink it all day. The price is also to be applauded. Just
as much, I feel wonderful about supporting a business that supports
a timeless native tradition, and in a most environmentally sound
way at that. Thank you all you good people at Nativa! You have a
lifelong customer in me."
Sophie Wade
Weaverville, North Carolina
I can say all kinds of positive things about Yerba Mate, but to
sum it up, it just makes me feel good. I mean really good."
Jason Balogh
morning, every evening, every day my household sings praises to
the yerba mate goddess! The rich green goodness of this fine brew
brightens my mood and sharpens my senses. Mate makes me dance!!!
Your fine mate is less bitter, richer, and less expensive than
all of the other yerba mate I have tried."
Meg Arraj
Leverett, Massachusetts
had a firm hold on my every day routine, my mood, and eventually
even my wallet. However, I have discovered yerba mate to provide
a higher quality energy boost. Coffee left a sour taste in my mouth,
my stomach churning in protest, and my brain buzzing with chaotic
noise. A hot cup of Nativa leaves a fresh finish on my
palate, my stomach satisfied, and a clear (tranquil, even!) calm
alertness far different from the crazed buzz of coffee."
Meg Arraj
Leverett, Massachusetts
yerba mate makes me smile. It truly puts me in a good mood after
I drink it. I drink it in the morning and the afternoon, and I stay
in good spirits all day. My wife calls it my 'happy tea'. If
I'm in a bad mood, she makes me drink some yerba mate!"
Bill Salter
Systems Manager
Richmond, Virginia

me, yerba mate is a daily reminder of time spent in the countryside
of Argentina. I was first passed a gourd of yerba mate in a barn
of horses in Argentina and was immediately hooked. Beyond the ritual
of drinking, the yerba mate perked me up and made me feel good.
Back home in the US, I searched for yerba mate and could not find
it until I discovered Nativa yerba mate. Now I begin each day
and end each afternoon drinking high quality yerba mate.
Yerba mate is a part of Argentine culture and has been brought to the States via Argentine polo payers and grooms. They pass the gourd around the barn every day. This is what got me into enjoying the culture and the health benefits of it."
Brian Cleveland
Interactive Producer
Brooklyn, New York

boyfriend drank Nativa out of a mug then his brother gave him one
of your gourds and 'wow'....we began drinking it every morning and
night. I immediately noticed Nativa's great effects and no other
yerba compares. Since I have told all of my coworkers and friends
constantly scribbling your web address on sheets of paper and nagging
them to order the starter kit. My coworker's whole family has now
started reaping Nativa's glorious benefits! Thanks!"
Christie Library Assistant Cary, North Carolina
"I love this product. As an RN who works the night shift I wanted a substitute for coffee and the caffeine jitters as well the unhealthy acidity of coffee. I get all this and more with Nativa Yerba Mate!"
Janice Williams
Englewood, Florida
"It is a great substitute for coffee and much less harsh before a long hike, climb or run."
Andrew Eisen
Los Angeles, California
"I used to drink coffee everyday. Now it's Nativa Yerba Mate 4 times a day for taste and health. Starbucks sales are down because I found Nativa Yerba Mate!"
Kent Canoy
Meridian, Idaho
"Nativa Yerba Mate increases energy and does not have the side effects of coffee. I have replaced coffee completely with it and am quite pleased with the results. Seem to sleep better and don't have that feeling of extreme hunger before mealtime. I have given Nativa as gifts to friends and talk up the product often. NBC touted Yerba Mate as one of the five life changing foods on the Today Show, Monday, 11/26/07. Check it out on their website."
Beth Duke
Richmond, Virginia
"I was an avid coffee drinker and it got to the point where I couldn't stomach it anymore. I switched to Nativa Yerba Mate and found it to provide way more benefits than coffee."
Joe Chapman
Portland, Oregon
"I have been drinking it for about 6 years now and love it. I brew it in my coffee (tea) maker that now only brews the tea. I don't even like the smell of coffee anymore. Yerba Mate doesn't give you the jitters and just makes you feel good."
Dana Tate
Lamy, New Mexico
"Yerba Mate
has helped me shake the coffee adiction entirely and I only drink
a cup or two all day. Thanks!"
Nathan Czubaj
Seattle, Washington
"I have my
whole family drinking Yerba Mate in the mornings as a safe alternative
to coffee. That is unless we are settling down for a Mate Latte.
:-) mmm!"
Glenn Nelson
Sharpsburg, Maryland
"I switched
"cold turkey" from 4-6 cups of coffee a day
to 4-6 yerba cups. It got rid of mutiple problems caused by coffee
including but not limited to jitters and trouble sleeping.
All for a fraction of the price of coffee. I always found
Nativa yerba to be of premium quality. We order 6 x 2 lbs bulk
(price and shipment is convenient) since my wife and I drink Yerba
daily and we use about a bag per month. I love the press/filter
mug since I throw my yerba and hot water in a thermos for a day
supply at work and don't have to worry about filtering."
Martin Glaude
McKinney, Texas
"I had a health scare in 2001 and my physician recommended that I quit
drinking coffee. I tried but the headaches were unbearable. I
heard that Yerba Mate was an alternative energy source and you could
transition from coffee without any side effects. In fact, I read
a testimonial from Paul Roeller in Los Osos, California. It just
so happened that I knew his wife and called them to hear more.
Your product is the best I've tried and I will never be without
Rosellen DeSimone
Dana Point, California
"I literally
fell in love with this product. I went from a heavy coffee drinker
to a Yerba Mate drinker overnight. Now I have more energy and
mental clarity without all of the side effects of coffee. Great
Gregory Little
Lodi, New Jersey
"Yerba Mate
has become a vital part of my diet. I initially starting drinking
Yerba Mate as a coffee substitute. With Yerba Mate I don't have
to worry about my stomach doing flip flops after I drink it. It
gives me a subtle boost when I need a lift, and the the taste
is refreshing and clean. I love Nativa Yerba Mate."
Melvonia Green
New York, New York
"I started
using Nativa Yerba Mate as a replacement for the "caffeine
buzz" and subsequent letdown. I find it gives me the energy
boost without the letdown. The taste is the best I've found. The
service and quality is just the icing on the cake."
Janiece Rosenbloom
Chattanooga, Tennessee
"I love your
product, how I get it and that it has made such a difference to
my quality of life. I had to stop drinking coffee. Mate has been a wonderful
reasonably priced alternative to coffee. Each day I have a few
cups from the french press that used to make my coffee. I don't
miss it and enjoy the easy natural stimulant that Yerba Mate is
over coffee."
Linda Merchant
Evanston, Illinois
"I have been
looking to substitute coffee for a long time now and I feel yerba
mate is the best drink available today. Additionally, it keeps
me energetic all day."
Bill Smith
Finance Director
Tampa, Florida
"Yerba mate helped
me quit my coffee addiction without any withdrawal symptoms.
My body feels cleaner inside no that I'm drinking yerba mate instead of coffee."
John Borecki
Wilmington, Delaware
"I immediately
got off of coffee after the first cup of Nativa
Yerba Mate. I love this tea! Thank you!"
Kathy Johnson
Wauconda, Washington
"I thought I might
miss coffee - I don't. I can't even drink a cup of coffee anymore."
Victor Fiore
Branchville, New Jersey
"By adding Nativa
Yerba Mate to my lifestyle, I was able to give up coffee
without any ill side effects. As such, I am less nervous,
my energy is up, and I feel better overall."
Leslie Chadwick
San Diego, California
"It's another alternative
for a non-coffee drinker, such as myself. Thank you so
very much! I love Nativa Yerba Mate!!!"
Mary Jupio
"It's like coffee. It
wakes me up."
Eric Holmes
Austell, Georgia
"I have been a
two-cup double espresso drinker for 13 years, $6 a day, and
tired of being drawn into the mainstream addiction I saw everywhere.
Even a Starbuck's in Target now!! I've always loved Mate, but
never considered the switch until I realized that I was careful
about everything I put into my mouth, but ignored my coffee
habit!! Overnight, I made the switch and never looked back.
I don't even crave coffee...no headaches, no withdrawal symptoms,
nothing!! Now, I don't even like the smell of coffee and
it's only been 1 month!! I am so GRATEFUL and my body thanks
you too!!!! Best of all, we're supporting the rainforest, not
hurting it!!"
Tamara Kerner
Owner, The Kama Sutra Kitchen
Boulder, Colorado
wasn't addicted to coffee, but diet soda and artificial sweeteners. After hearing so much ranting
and raving from my brother, I tried mate. Finally! I've always loved
tea - probably more so than soda- and yerba mate became the perfect
replacement for me. I no longer consume artificial sodas, and
best of all, I dont miss them! This is only one of the many
positives I've had with this drink. Skeptics should remember, there's
a reason why yerba mate has been used for years in South America;
it's wonderful."
John Rogers
Woodlands, Texas
"I recently began
drinking Yerba Mate and it slowly replaced my coffee. Now I drink
it all day long at work. Tastes great and I feel great!"
Lou Jordan
went from over two cups of coffee a day to yerba mate overnight.
No ill effects, no headaches, no withdrawal symptoms. I brew
it in the coffee maker and take it on the road each morning."
Alan Patrick Buyer White Salmon, Washington
"About a year ago I just more or less lost my taste for coffee. I had
been a heavy coffee drinker (8 to 10 cups per day) for many years. For a variety of reasons I
began to suspect that it might be detrimental for my health to consume this amount of coffee.
I began to drink Yerba Mate and have been pleasantly surprised.
I enjoy the taste, and it does seem to provide some stimulant
effect. I have purchased some for my 78-year-old mother & she
too enjoys it regularly. I find it to be an excellent product
& I feel better since I have begun to use it."
David School Ottowa, Illinois
to drink coffee anymore, pleased to find a substitute even better."
Steve Norris Pilot Show Low, Arizona
a hard-core coffee drinker, I wasn't sure I could break the habit.
Nativa Yerba Mate was the ideal replacement. The rich and smoky
taste is satisfying like coffee, and unlike regular tea, it
doesn't dry out my throat and make me thirsty.
Now off the coffee, I don't have the caffeine highs and lows--much
more even energy and mood levels throughout the day."
Cynthia Holley
Corporate Real Estate
Lafayette, Colorado
have been trying to quit drinking coffee for over a decade. Even
when I could quit temporarily, I still "needed" to drink decaffeinated
coffee. I was really frustrated how this addiction was impacting
every single day of my life. One day a bought some Yerba Mate
because I had heard it was good for you. The next day I drank
a cup of mate instead of my usually cup of coffee. I felt great
and didn't experience any caffeine withdrawals from ceasing coffee.
However my biggest surprise came later in the day when I thought
I would have a cup of coffee. After my first sip, I had to spit
it out! It tasted horrible! A battle with coffee that lasted
a decade was won after that first cup of mate. I have not craved
coffee since. It is a total miracle. Thank you."
Jennifer Quinn
Vancouver, Washington

started drinking Yerba Mate to break me of the coffee habit. I
am happy to say I was able to quit coffee cold turkey by substituting
the coffee with yerba mate. I suffered no caffeine withdrawals.
I have had increased energy. I drink Nativa yerba mate on a daily
Michael Wheeler
Taylor, Michigan
"I love your product. I have stopped drinking coffee and this is a great
alternative. It gets me going in the morning."
Jolie Ceo
Los Angeles, California
the first astounding sip of Nativa I no longer needed coffee. I
was a hard-core coffee drinker and it was making me sick - stomach
pain, restless nights, irritable. I knew I needed to quit. With
Nativa as a substitute, I had NO headaches or withdrawal symptoms.
After a few weeks of drinking it, my stomach feels much better,
I am thinking more clearly, I feel much less stressed and just feel
so much better and happier in general. Nativa is a great product. THANK YOU!"
Gail Hovanec
3D Artist / Graphic Artist
Hovanec Designs Studio
White Oak, Pennsylvania
have reduced my coffee consumption from several cups of strong
espresso each day to a cup now and then - no more than two per
week. I no longer feel the need to drink coffee since yerba
mate makes me feel good and I no longer need a caffeine buzz."
Kathy Whisler
Program Manager
State of Washington
Tacoma, Washington
replaced coffee every morning to yerba mate every morning. I get
a great boost to start my day. I love it & will continue to
drink it for my well-being, energy, & a great life."
Nancy Smith
Registered Nurse
Reno, Nevada
was looking for a herbal drink to replace coffee.
I used to suffer from a lot of headaches which appear to have
vastly reduced, I also sleep much much better that I used to.
I generally feel better on yerba. I have also tried a couple of
other brands and fine Nativa not bitter at all and lacking in
Julie Ashman
Southampton, United Kingdom
many years I have enjoyed the aromatic and companionable coffee
tradition. But the acid aftereffects, the jittery, quivering
nervous fingers, and the roller-coaster of hyperactivity and
drowsiness became just too much for a guy who needs consistent
alertness, a good natured demeanor and steady sketching hands.
An old friend suggested Nativa yerba mate. The "cold turkey"
transition was not only painless but consistently invigorating.
I haven't had a sick day since.
It has become second nature for me to carry a couple of tea bags in my travels. Wherever there are friendly people and coffee, there is hot water."
Michael O'Keefe
Fire District Cartographer
Mountain Ranch, California
"A year ago I received a Mate Gourd and a Bombilla for a birthday gift. I was already drinking different types of loose teas, but I still was drinking coffee in the mornings since tea would upset my stomach. Looking for an alternative to coffee, a friend of mine told me about Yerba Mate. I ordered a pound an was immediately hooked. I can drink Yerba Mate all day without getting the caffeine jitters or an upset stomach. My doctor is also thrilled that I have found a way to cut down on the amount of caffeine I consume.
I have ordered Yerba Mate from other companies but have found
Nativa yerba mate has the best quality tea. The others were
more expensive and also had a lot of large pieces of stem in there
product. I can't start my day without Nativa yerba mate. I ordered
another bombilla to keep at work and I will be ordering another
one to bring over to friends house so I will never be without
my Nativa yerba mate."
Laura Clayson
Charlotte, North Carolina
"Delicious flavor and a smooth and pleasant buzz. Easy on my stomach, unlike coffee!"
Michelle Erbs
Visual Merchandising Napa, California
sustains me, and no funky mood swings!"
Nicole Inglish Yoga instructor and body worker Shakti's Yoga Shala Santa Barbara, California
work colleague submitted your web site to me about 2 weeks ago
urging me to try this new tea. She raved on and on about it and
I actually bought some yesterday. I started my new job in August and had taken to drinking
cappuccinos each and every morning and I admit to feeling very
jittery when I didn't get my "fix".
Now it's only been 2 days since I tried Nativa and I must say it's
so refreshing."
London, United Kingdom
went from 6+ cups of coffee a day to none overnight. Now I just
drink three or four glasses of Nativa yerba mate a day."
Stephen Willis
Kansas City, Missouri
discovered yerba mate when I lived in Argentina. I find a large
cup every morning refreshing and delicious, with its smoky, caramel
flavor. Whatever caffeine mate contains, it doesn't produce any
of the trembling or nervous effect that coffee does. I drink
my mate with milk and sugar, a habit which my Argentine girlfriend
found hilarious and infantile. Still, I recommend this for those
who take other tea this way. Mate is a civilized beverage, and a
Paul H Kafka-Gibbons
Somerville, Massachusetts
was seriously addicted to coffee and had tried a few times to wean
myself off it. But I'd always fall back to it because I'd never
found a healthy alternative to the energy boost and mental lift
that coffee gave me. Still, I stayed haunted by this unhealthy addiction.
Finally, I got serious and searched the web for herbal substitutes
to coffee, and after delving into the Nativa web site I knew I had
struck the mother load. I wasted no time in ordering the 2 LB. bag
and it was delivered to my door in just a few days. That was about
two weeks ago and I'm thrilled to say that I've completely replaced my coffee intake with it".
Sophie Wade
Weaverville, North Carolina
first read about yerba mate in a health magazine and was very interested
in ffinding a substitute for coffee.
I decided on the Nativa brand because of all the positive testimonials
on your web site. I ordered a couple boxes of the tea bags and plan
to order more. It has a great smooth taste, I haven't needed
coffee since (even on my night shifts) and feel very energized."
San Antonio, Texas
have an addictive personality and do most things to excess, including
caffeine products. Nativa yerba mate has been the perfect replacement.
I consume A LOT of Mate throughout the day and even before bed,
and have never felt better and more naturally energetic.
Very concentrated Mate with some milk and honey, and I am good to
Phil Alexander
Security Officer
Los Angeles, California
wife and I became curious and decided to try yerba mate after she
saw it on an Argentinean soap opera. We were both heavy coffee drinkers
and dealing with burnout from our jobs and the stress of everyday
life. After trying Nativa yerba mate we noticed an increase in
energy and an overall feeling of well being, along with NO side
effects like the jitters, headaches, or sleeplessness when drinking
at night. We no longer depend on coffee and are able to endure
the toughest workdays without burnout. Thanks for marketing a great
Alan Pitcock
Delivery Route Driver
Quail Valley, California
have been drinking Nativa yerba mate for 6 months and have found
it to be an excellent substitute for coffee. It provides for gentle
invigoration without the caffeine rush and related stomach problems
of coffee. The fact that the yerba has positive health attributes
is an added reason to drink it! Overall it provides a gentle lift without adding to stress of an already stressful day!"
C. Brown
Airport Administrator
Basalt, Colorado
have used Nativa yerba mate for almost one year. During that time,
I have lost my craving for coffee, I have more energy, and I'm
calmer than I've ever been. "
Howard Wallin
Professional Speaker
Denver, Colorado
used to be a heavy coffee drinker and couldn't miss a day because
I'd get a headache. If I miss my Nativa yerba mate there is no headache
or hangover. Also my teeth are whiter, I sleep better, and I
don't need to drink as much water at night."
Steve Pasquier
Sales Representative
Puyallup, Washington
first learned about yerba mate when I was visiting some friends
from Honduras. We were out on church visitation that night, as we
have a Spanish ministry, and they were passing around what looked
to me like a pipe for smoking. But they were with some people from
Argentina who encouraged me to try it. I liked it, although my friend
Greg said it tasted like cigarettes. I had been drinking two
pots of coffee a day and if I missed it I would get a bad headache. I think Nativa is a lot better.
I use a coffee pot to fix mine."
Kevin Clawson
Beaufort, SC
"I have been drinking mate for 10 years - ever since a trip to Argentina. For 30 years before that I relied on coffee to start the day. Now I revert to coffee only if I run out of mate and, thanks to your good service, I don't have to wait very long for my new order of Nativa."
Libby McClintock
Millerton, New York
started drinking yerba mate about 2 years ago as a coffee substitute
because I heard it is better for you, and it doesn't give me that
up-down feeling that coffee does. I usually brew it in a coffee
maker, and drink about 2-3 cups a day. I hardly ever drink coffee
now, as I find Nativa to be a superior substitute. It is also
a more environmentally friendly crop/product as compared to coffee,
and that makes me feel good. "
Matthew Kennedy
Engineering Student
Humboldt State University
Arcata, California
"My husband and I have been drinking Nativa yerba mate for about a year now. We enjoy the rich flavor and love being able to enjoy it all day, morning and night, without the adverse side effects of coffee."
Lisa Weedman
Graphic Designer
Charlotte, North Carolina
"I enjoy Nativa yerba mate - with its robust flavor and as a wonderful substitute for coffee. Many of my friends enjoy it as well as I introduce them to it. "
David Johnson
Dummerston, Vermont
"We have replaced our daily coffee and tea with Nativa yerba mate. We feel good and we can even drink it in the evening."
Randy Countryman
Spokane, Washington
"Yerba Mate saved my life, not really, but I was experiencing coffee jitters, then I found Nativa. The only thing I can say about Nativa yerba mate is it's good for me."
Jay Younger
Furniture Maker
Beavercreek, Oregon
wife and I discovered yerba mate a year ago and fell in love with
its wonderful smoky taste. We start each day with it."
James Scalise
Education Specialist
San Antonio, Texas
began drinking coffee in high school. Twenty years ago I began drinking
espresso. I ground the beans and made a cup to die for! I quit and began yerba mate. Cautiously
sipping some fresh coffee a few months later, I discovered that
it no longer tasted appealing. I am 56."
Skookums Sonnenschein
Freelance Harpist
Anchorage, Alaska
"It has been a great addition to my daily routine. My skin feels wonderful, and it is very enjoyable. I look forward to my afternoon tea every day at work."
Lisa DelValle
El Paso, Texas
"To simply say that I am satisfied with Nativa Yerba Mate is unjust. Nativa Yerba Mate has become a part of my daily routine. The alert, yet calm state of mind that I get when I drink it has had a positive impact for me on a daily basis."
Billy Wills
Kalamazoo, Michigan
"I am very pleased with Nativa Yerba Mate. This is a product that is now a permanent part of my lifestyle that assists me in being more conscious about my food choices."
Roslyn Thomas
Marietta, Georgia
"I absolutely love it! It's perfect for my fit, extremely active lifestyle/career!!"
Deazie Gibson
Houston, Texas
"I am truly satisfied with Nativa Yerba Mate. I have been a daily consumer for years and years and it continues to fulfill my taste and energy needs."
Dustin Tillman
Midway City, California
"Nativa Yerba Mate has added a positive aspect to my life everyday! It gets me going when I need to be productive and when I'm relaxing it is a great snack!"
Jeff Brandt
Wales, Wisconsin
"Nativa Yerba Mate has been integrated into my life completely. Couldn't imagine a day without it."
Chris Provenzano
Los Angeles, California
"Nativa Yerba Mate has greatly improved my life. I am a freshman high school teacher and I tried drinking pop in the morning, but I was always dragging by the end of the day. So I tried drinking coffee, but it made it difficult for me to be patient with the kids. Nativa Yerba Mate give me a a great consistent energy through the day. I also ordered a Nativa French Press travel mug which makes getting everything ready so much quicker in the morning."
Adam Richardson
Summerville, South Carolina
"My life would not be complete without Nativa Yerba Mate."
David Levine
Williams, Oregon
"I love Nativa. I've turned dozens of people on to it and most become as dedicated to Nativa after trying other brands. It provides a jitter-free lift when I'm tired, and stands as a little private resort during hectic days. I drink it before exercising to give me a little more energy. It's fantastic."
Michael Petree
Alva, Oklahoma
"I am very satisfied and to be truthful surprised at the results of your product. I was a little skeptical of the customer reviews that I had read but willing to see for myself. I am glad I did. The energy and sense of well-being I get from drinking your product is amazing. I live in a very stressful house with a wife and two teenage stepdaughters, work full-time, working on my bachelors degree in business administration and a dog and parrot to take care of. Madness! Nativa Yerba Mate is an excellent drink to calm and soothe as well as keep you going. I drink it traditionally in the gourd and bombilla. Love it!"
Timothy Vinson
Richland Hills, Texas
"I have tried
many, many other brands of Yerba Mate, but none so clean, so sweet
and pure, so absolutely LOVELY as Nativa. Although I like to drink
mate very strong, Nativa is never bitter. After my first order,
I knew I never needed to try another brand. I have found a definite centereing effect from drinking Nativa Yerba Mate.
Stress relaxes, energy flows, and I feel balanced. As part of a
healthy and conscious lifestyle, my morning mate is as essential
for my body as my daily meditation is for my spirit. Thank you for
making this wonderful gift available."
Kathleen Gibson
Aurora, Illinois
"I was drinking
coffee on a daily basis and would find myself jittery and on edge.
When I was introduced to Yerba Mate my whole body felt better. I
have more energy and mental clarity. I have not felt this good in
many many years. Thanks!"
Ralph Ballentine
Orlando, Florida
"It is a great
way to start the day."
Marvae Eikanas
Woodstock, Georgia
"I thoroughly
read through all information on Mate and read comments on your website
so had to give your Mate a try. One year later I'm sooo thankful
that I did! Since last year I have noticed many great things. M y energy levels and mental clarity have been
better than ever! Thank you sooo much! A defiante Mate drinker
for life and I spread the word about your product daily."
Gary Smith
Medford, Oregon
"I like the product
and it makes me feel better overall and ready to take on the
Mary Rhude
Spicer, Minnesota
"I have an overall feeling
of well being."
Kathryn McCoy
Jersey City, New Jersey
I get a sense
of well being after drinking it."
Jerry Tillman
Aliso Viejo, California
"I had been a
daily coffee drinker from age 11 until age 30.It was something
I was just not willing to give up, because each time I tried, I
experienced terrible withdrawal. That is, until I discovered Nativa
Yerba Mate. My brother introduced me to Yerba Mate, but I did not
care for the bitterness of the brand he gave me. I found Nativa
by happenstance online one day, and decided to give it a try. From
the first taste, it was just delicious. Not at all like the bitterness
of other brands. Since I gave up coffee, I have had no stomach problems.
I have a wonderful amount of energy that is never jittery. I believe Yerba Mate keeps me well. Thank
you for your wonderful product and supreme customer service."
Eric Gerber
Wimberly, Texas
"I lead
an active lifestyle and my career in law enforcement encourages
me to be and stay in shape. Over a year ago I stopped drinking
coffee and began drinking Nativa Yerba Mate. It just tastes great!! Thank you."
Katherine Kriskovic
Huntington Beach, California
"Nativa Yerba
Mate has had a huge impact on my energy level. I work 10-hour days,
and I have an hour-long commute. I used to fight falling asleep
on the long drive home (very dangerous to say the least!). I didn't
try Yerba Mate to help with this symptom, but I noticed about 2
weeks after starting it that I was no longer so tired. I drink my
Mate iced; I make it by the gallon and drink about 2-3 cups a day.
Mary McClellan
McHenry, Illinois
"Increased energy, and product and service quality."
Elizabeth Knott
Pollock Pines, California
"I've been drinking it regularly
for so long that I can't compare it to life without it. Six tablespoons
of Nativa Yerba Mate daily in my morning brew with a tablespoon
of honey does it for me. I bring a carafe full to work every day,
and enjoy all day long. Keep it coming - thanks a lot."
Daniel Kutt
Canton, Ohio
"Thanks for selling such a great product. I have one friend though
who teases me about not drinking out of a gourd. I happen to do
a lot of art with gourds. I tell him that when he starts hunting
with a blow dart gun and wearing a loin cloth I will drink out
of a gourd. I prefer my "yuppie no spill car cup". Besides,
it holds more."
Steve Jordan
Lodi, California
"Nativa Yerba Mate
is a regular part of my daily life. I drink it twice a day - in
the morning and late afternoon. It has completely replaced coffee.
It is without a doubt one of the most important products available. I rate it as one of the top ten products of any type, anywhere.
It's a must have for smart people who know how to take care of themselves!"
Terry Montague
Kirkland, Washington
"I have finally started
drinking Nativa regularly, and after just a week or so, I'm feeling
like a new person!"
Ingrid Hanson
Eugene, Oregon
"I'm 37 years old, I've
been drinking Mate since I was 2."
Sandra Carlanian
Data Entry Technician
New Jersey
"A few months ago, my Mother read
about yerba mate in a health publication and decided to get some in
a local health food store (at a very high price). Frequently she could barely move
before getting completely winded. At first the taste of the mate disagreed
with her, but her stamina began to improve. Since your kilogram package
arrived, she began drinking more of it in the morning and the difference
in her stamina is remarkable. Her spirits have improved tremendously
and she's able to do gardening work again.
She can't say enough good things about Nativa!"
Tom Nelson
Lansing, Michigan
"Drinking mate is so much
better than taking pills. Thank you and please continue to supply
the market with such a wonderful product. From now on I will only
be getting it from Nativa, it is so much better than the other brands."
Stephen Willis
Kansas City, MO
"I have been
drinking Nativa yerba mate every day since December. My whole family,
including my three sons, have noticed an increased energy level. My older son is getting his dorm mates at UCSB to try
it too. We get lots of comments all over town when we bring our
gourds to restaurants!
Lynn Wood
Dance Teacher
Orange, California
"Great substitute for coffee. Feel more energetic yet less stressed out. Plan on drinking indefinitely."
Steve Holtz
Livonia, Michigan
years ago I met a woman from Uruguay who introduced me to yerba
mate. We enjoyed passing the bombilla between us. Soon after I purchased
my own so I could drink it at home. I continued to drink coffee
until 2 years ago when I gave it up to drink only yerba mate. I believe abandoning coffee made
a big improvement in my overall well-being. I very much like the
ritual of drinking yerba mate.
I for one am a believer and will probably continue to drink it as
long as it is available."
Bob Navetta
Ann Arbor, Michigan
have been drinking yerba mate tea for the past two years, and it
has become the hot drink of choice ever since. Yerba mate's overall sense
of well-being, energy and alertness that I experience keeps
me dedicated to finding yerba mate in a city where it's not readily
available. That's why I use Nativa yerba mate. While I am a novice
online shopper, I have been delighted with the quick, efficient,
and pleasant service I have experienced with them. They have handled
my questions via e-mail and the phone with the utmost of courtesy."
Heidi Jeffreys
Court Reporter
Virginia Beach, Virginia
mate (Mate') is a natural stimulant, an invigoration of the mind and body."
Martin Molnar
Sales and Business Development
San Jose, California
switched from coffee to Nativa yerba mate and I feel energized without
the caffeine jitters."
Curt Tomlinson
Equipment Tech
Ft. Wayne, Indiana
wife and I have been avid coffee drinkers for the past decade. We
were what you call "coffee snobs" only drinking the best
we could find through mail or on-line purveyors. We couldn't start
the day without the ritual morning pot. Anyway, we were becoming
as well as having restless nights. Then we stumbled upon Nativa yerba mate. Not only is it a delicious beverage, but it fulfills our need
for a morning ritual. It is also without the caffeine-produced
side effects of coffee. My wife and I have had neither headaches,
nor are our nights restless. North Americans
don't know what they're missing. We suggest a bit of honey and cream
- enjoy!"
Ron & Mary Houston
Occupational Therapist
Biloxi, MS
tea is great! I love the taste and way it soothes my throat. I
noticed a big difference in the way I felt.
I can actually breathe easier and felt fatigued when I didn't drink
any for a few days. Thanks for being prompt with delivery."
Will Davis
Austin, Texas

I tell my friends that Yerba Mate has changed my life, they look
at me like "Yeah, right!" But then I tell them the exact
ways in which this smoky, astringent brew has done just that: since
I began drinking yerba mate five months ago I feel at once tranquil and energetic, and my skin glows.
The caffeine content is low enough that I can drink a cup right before bed and still fall asleep; and I can get up in the morning and not feel dependent on a cup of it to "get me started".
Nativa's yerba mate is good for up to three brewings and offers a range of flavor. The first cup will taste strong and rich--the third will be paler and more delicate--the perfect nightcap.
I gave some yerba mate to a friend who is an inveterate coffee drinker--within
a week he had given up the coffee and drinks Nativa instead. Unlike
other coffee alternatives, yerba mate has a flavor as robust and
even more compelling than coffee, without coffee's side effects
of mood highs and mood lows. The only regret I have is that I
didn't start drinking it sooner."
Jessie Thuma
Freelance writer
Quincy, Massachusetts

"When I first heard of yerba mate it was in an article describing a triathlete's nutrition. Something about the Nativa site was straight forward and no nonsense, which appealed to me.
I opted to order a gourd, a bombilla and a kilo of Nativa yerba mate.
When it arrived, I immediately brewed a cup in the coffee maker while cured the gourd. The first sip was earthy, warm and invigorating. My son had soccer practice and I had been feeling a bit rundown and just not up to coaching a gang of seven year olds. But after the yerba mate I was ready to go! Never having been a coffee drinker I was amazed that a drink could do such a thing.
Now my day begins Nativa yerba mate prepared in the traditional way. I even received a stainless steel bombilla for Christmas, which is the best present I received this year by far.
Nativa yerba mate is a great product and delivery is always prompt. I love the taste, the slightly exotic nature of the preparation and consumption.
Steven Blondeau Dad/Homeschooler Clarkston

"My wife and I drink yerba mate tea every day. We have used it to replace coffee, and find it superior to coffee in several ways.
First, it does provide a lift, enhancing mental activity and
giving a boost. It does not however provide the crude stimulus
of the coffee buzz. In fact, we drank yerba mate instead of coffee
and really didn't have much problem with the 'coffee withdrawal'
symptoms like headache and lethargy.
Second, we didn't expect this to
happen, but if we drink some yerba mate instead of reaching for
a snack, we don't seem to want the snack.
Third, yerba mate provides us with a body lift.
Fourth, it does not interfere with sleep. We can drink a
cup of mate at 9 or 10 PM and still be blissfully asleep by 11 PM.
If we drink coffee as late as 6 PM, it is very difficult to go to
sleep or stay asleep.
The last thought I will offer is this: In the countries that grow coffee for the world, why is it that yerba mate is the national drink of choice? Do they know something we don't know? Not anymore!"
Bob Trinklein Manager of Color Technology Woonsocket, Rhode Island

"I thoroughly
enjoy Nativa on a daily basis. The tea does not make me jittery. I can drink it in the evening
and it does not keep me from sleeping well."
Denise Schwans
Arlington, Washington
"I was looking
for a coffee substitute while on a low-carb diet and tried Mate.
I found the Mate "kick"
to be much less jittery and addicting than coffee."
Don White
Wana, West Virginia
"Being raised in a
south american family, mate has been always a traditional
thing for me. I always
put a small piece of orange peel in it to give it a special
taste, try it, you'll love it."
Ana Nunez
Greenville, South Carolina
"Since drinking Nativa,
I have
begun to enjoy exercise.. this is a MAJOR first in my
Katie Moore
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
"I am ecstatic
that I became aware of this product! I cannot believe the
energy it gives me. Thank you so much for an excellent product with excellent
Patricia Fields
Watertown, New York
am an American college student who is studying abroad in New Zealand.
I brought a bombilla and a bag of mate with me from the States.
Since I started
running low on cash here, I took to drinking it every day in place
of coffee. I enjoyed the energy and clarity of mind that I experienced
after drinking it.
Laurel Alexander
International Student
New Zealand
love this stuff -- at work (Navy) my colleagues call it my "happy
tea" because it makes me giggle at silly stuff and gives me more
energy than mere coffee. This stuff must be what God Himself drinks in heaven. Thanks!"
Wanda Thiele
Poway, California
just love this tea! I feel energized
throughout the day."
Janice Mosier
Tampa, Florida
"I feel energetic as though I had the energy that comes from having
three full course meals."
Jack Russo Geologist Fountain Valley, California
"I have never felt more alert."
J Michael Kilburn Retired Buffalo, New York
have more energy.
I love the flavor of yerba mate and Nativa is superior to other
brands I have tried."
John Armstrong
Summerville, South Carolina
like to make sun tea with Nativa mate for raw foodists. Mate
guides you to eat good foods--raw or fresh heated whole foods."
Ian Brandt Sage's Cafe Vegetarian Salt Lake City, Utah
"Excellent product. I've had no coffee jitters."
George Lakkas Raleigh, North Carolina
yerba mate also decreases my appetite, so I don't overeat after
my workout. Therefore, yerba mate has become my 'drink of choice'
after my workout to keep me going with my jobs for the day."
Al Potter Retired Histology Technician Moses Lake, Washington
customer of mine from Argentina introduced me to yerba mate when
she traded me a bombilla and samples of it for a specially designed
Yerba Mate cup. I loved the ritual of preparing it and using the
bombilla and, of course, the taste. I drink
Yerba Mate instead of snacking.
I feel great and recommend it to all my friends."
Dinah Gravel Actress/Potter/Teacher New York, New York
"It only took a week before I enthusiastically starting sending packets
to my friends and family, encouraging them to check out the web
site and order more! Thanks for offering such a high quality product!"
Tanya Military San Antonio, Texas
"After trying
several brands of yerba mate, I discovered Nativa. I've been very
impressed by the quality, and the price is excellent. I drink
mate daily."
Dylan Oliver
Spring Green, Wisconsin
"Yerba Mate doesn't make me restless the way coffee does. And I feel more alert - less likely to get flustered. I feel mentally on top of the day."
Janet Brooks
Oak Park, Illinois
"Ive been enjoying Nativa Yerba Mate for about two years now. It fits into all parts of my day, morning, noon, and night. I feel better and my mind is energized."
Amy Kilburg
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
"This is unbelievable!! I feel sharp and focused, and I feel like I have extra energy that helps me throughout the day. What a positive change for my life."
Mark Ziegler
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
am a college student, and since I started drinking Nativa Yerba
Mate, I am able to study longer and more efficiently. I also have
more energy to exercise. It is a great alternative
to coffee, and I have been extremely satisfied with Nativa's quailty
and customer service."
Whitney Paterson
Cranbury, New Jersey
mental clarity."
Ewan Trafford
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
still like the taste of coffee but I've found that, now that I've
been using Yerba Mate, that coffee only wakes the body up. Yerba
Mate wakes up the mind. If I have to wake up and concentrate I reach
for the Yerba Mate. One good thing about Nativa is that you don't
have to pick out any stems or twigs and the taste is definitely
the smoothest I've had compared to other brands."
Benjamin Hunter
Silver Spring, Maryland
I drink Nativa Yerba Mate every day or even just a few times a week
I notice increased energy, mental clarity, a calmer stomach, keep
it up!"
Kit Robertson
Sweet Briar, Virginia
use Yerba Mate on days when I really need to be relaxed and focused. Excellent product for the hardcore coffee addict."
Dennis Wichman
Eglin AFB, Florida
on stomach, increased energy and mental clarity."
Paul Nemeth
Fallon, Nevada
my energy and also increases my mental clarity."
Fernando Ona
Langley, B.C, Canada
has totally cured me of coffee, and never before have
I known a stimulant that made me so mentally sharp.
No matter how groggy I am in the morning, once I have
my mate I'm on my game!!"
Michael Scott
San Francisco, California
"I love
Nativa. I drink two cups before I go to work and I am
able to concentrate more and keep my energy up. I am
a server in one of the busiest restaurants in California.
You are great Nativa. So far I have gotten a few of my co-workers
and bosses hooked on Nativa."
Jeremy McWilliams
San Francisco, California
mental clarity, stopped coffee, stopped sweeteners."
Larry Kates
Healdsburg, California
"I find yerba
an excellent addition to my daily routines. I strive to have
mental clarity and efficient thinking for as much of the day
as possible and yerba allows me to push my limits."
John Zintsmaster
Notre Dame, Indiana
"Since drinking
Mate' I have definitely noticed more mental clarity. I have tried several other brands
but have found Nativa to be the best quality. I will be a Nativa drinker for life!"
Chris Noe
Taylorsville, Utah
"Back in college I
had a chemistry final. I had done all the studying I could. I got out my yerba and finished the pot. Then feeling good on the
yerba I went and rocked that test to the tune of 93rd percentile
nationally. Mate brings my mind into focus like nothing else."
Tim Phelps
Phelps Security
far a better pick-me-up than coffee. I've been able to say sharp
for longer periods of time without having my sleep patterns disrupted.
Good stuff!!"
Richard Mason Research Analyst San Diego, California
Office mates and I enjoy Yerba Mate everyday around 2:30 PM. Sometimes
we also drink it in the morning for added invigoration. It does
help to sharpen our mental acuity."
Marc Itow Granite Bay, California
"When I sit down to paint yerba seems to give me the mental clarity and focus that I need in order to create to my fullest potential."
Scott Cranmer Artist Audubon, New Jersey
about a clear head! I used to drink coffee to get up. During that
time when doing data entry my team thought I was fast. We were entering
similar data in large amounts twice a year. After switching to
Nativa my data entering ability increased a great deal, faster and
with fewer mistakes."
Alfred Schock Waiter Boulder, Colorado
about a great alternative to coffee! A Mate session at work
or between classes keeps me energized and clear headed for the rest
of the day. No better way to keep up for an all-night study
Nate Maddux St. Cloud, Minnesota
picked up a bag of Nativa from an on-line ethno-botanical site,
and I have to say this stuff is Excellent. I found some yerba mate
at the local health food store, but it was expensive, bitter, and included
the stems. Not good at all. Ever since I have been using Nativa,
I have increased awareness, mental capabilities, and physical stamina.
As a physically active, highly stressed student, this stuff is a
miracle. Its the first thing I have in the morning, to give me energy
and curb my appetite (I do not get a chance to eat until 4 PM each
day). And I have a cup in the evening if I know I will have a long
night a head of me. THANKS NATIVA!"
Anthony N. Rodriguez University Student Chicago, Illinois

drink Nativa yerba mate mainly on the weekends. I wish that I had
the time to indulge in it more often! It is a relaxing experience.
At the same time, it boosts my energy level and mental alertness.
It is very satisfying. I believe everyone could benefit from drinking
Elisa Carlisle Bus Driver Ocean Springs, Maryland
Product and Service Quality
"Nativa Yerba Mate is the finest Yerba Mate on the market. One of a handful of wild-harvest producers, you will be hard pressed to find anything comparable. A true quality product."
Mark Macknis
Newark, Delaware
"I can't live without my Nativa! Taste, consistency and that feel good Mate experience - what more does anyone need?"
Dean Perme
Santa Barbara, California
"Nativa tastes great, and I really appreciate the philosophy of moderate growth."
Karen Brooks
Editor, Dirt Rag Magazine
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
"I have tried other brands of Yerba Mate and could not even drink more than a sip or two. They had a dirty, bitter taste and a lot of small sticks / stems pieces in the tea. Nativa Yerba Mate has become part of my day. I keep a cup of it with me all day long at work. Thank you for freeing me from cafeine loaded coffee and the jittery feeling it gave me."
Steve Dudek
Dudek Design
Brookfield, Wisconsin
"I have been drinking and enjoying Nativa Yerba Mate daily for many years. I have a physically demanding job and rely on the increased energy level Yerba gives me. The commitment Nativa has to growing their yerba in the wild and shade grown is also very important to me."
Nancy Dupuis
Manton, Michigan
"I like Native Yerba Mate because it does not contain stems. I like the flavor better than other brands. I like that it comes in a two pound package."
Charles Blyth
Mt Pleasant, South Carolina
"I'm very satisfied with Nativa Yerba Mate. I'm almost 59 years old and my mother started us on Yerba Mate in early 1950's so I grew up on it."
Rita Brandenburg
Mesquite, Nevada
"I love this product. I've tried other yerba products in the past and they never had the flavor that I enjoyed from your product."
Matt Zepeda
Austin, Texas
"Great product. Easy to prepare and excellent taste both hot and cold so I can easily enjoy all year round."
Mark Tummillo
North Aurora, Illinois
"It's a great tasting tea that I would recommend to all."
Chris Beranek
Lamberton, Minnesota
"I love Nativa Yerba Mate, it is a great way to start my day."
Kalvin Mizzi
Palm Desert, California
"I love this tea! It has better taste and satisfaction than any I have tested on the market. It is also a true value!" NAMASTE
Rhonda Dykeman
Alpine, California
marvelous properties: focus, energy, and Nativa is
the nicest tasting Yerba Mate I've found in the States. I love
to open a fresh bag and breathe in; gaucho tea is good for me!"
Paul Liebner
Cummaquid, Massachusetts
"I cannot
offer anything beyond what I wrote last year! The quality of ALL
of Nativa's products remains superb, the pricing is far and away
the best I've encountered, and the service is impeccable. I still
recommend you to everyone I know! Please be aware that ethical
businesses such as yours are not only needed, but truly appreciated.
Thank you!"
Genevieve Weatherford
Olympia, Washington
"Nativa Yerba
Mate is the finest quality I have come across. The taste and freshness
are unsurpassed. My energy level has greatly increased since making
Nativa Yerba Mate part of my morning routine and I don't get that
spacey jittery feeling like I do from drinking coffee."
Teressa Cope
Seguin, Texas
"I like Yerba
Mate because it provides me with a delicious wake-up call in the
morning, without harsh after-effects on my energy. Nativa is the
best-tasting yerba mate that I have tried, and I have tried quite
a few."
Heather Hummel
Port Angeles, Washington
"I first tried
yerba mate in Argentina while on a construction project. I have
since tried a number of brands sold in the US. I find Nativa to
be superior to anything I had in Argentina or that I have found
available in the US. I don't even try the other brands anymore.
Nativa yerba mate has replaced coffee for me."
Joe Lane
Wickliffe, Kentucky
"I just love
the smooth,rich,and satisfying mellow taste of Nativa. One or
two cups daily offers sustained energy and pleasure, hot or cold.
Ecologically harvested and wild-harvested is important to me.. what more
could I ask for...?"
Sandra Williams
Clark Fork, Idaho
"Great product
and great service... what more can I say... Thanks!"
Lenward Broussard
New Iberia, Louisiana
"I have been
more than satisfied with Nativa over the past two years. I have
tried other brands of Mate but none had the taste, heritage or
price that Nativa has. The company is managed well so that not
only are customers getting what they want, they get it in a timely
and respectable fashion. This illustrates the commitment of Nativa
to it's customers. Nativa Yerba Mate gives increased energy while
calming the mind. It is a great alternative to coffee due to it's
lower caffeine content and low acidity. Nothing beats a gourd
of Mate anytime of day, either by myself or with friends. Thanks
Charles Curry
Syracuse, New York
quality is guaranteed with your product. No other brand compares."
Michael Macknis
New Castle, Delaware
"I love Nativa
Yerba Mate. I am a huge coffee drinker, but I have now also added
the tea into my daily routine! I love the taste,and all the benefits!
I have not tried other brands, but I really don't know how they
could beat your service, quality or ease and timeliness of orders."
Amy Moore
Mansfield, Ohio
"Nativa Yerba
Mate tastes great. I make it with soy milk and a little sugar,
like a latte. I typically have two big mugs-full in place of the
morning coffee. I was a die-hard coffee freak but had to cut back.
Mate wakes me up and makes me feel alert and alive. I am a writer
and need a kick start in the morning, and mate is just so great.
It gives me a clean, clear focus with none of the jitters or heartburn
or that nasty wired-and-tired feeling, and I find that when I'm
really crashing in the afternoon mate will not only wake me up
but clear my head and relieve the fatigue that coffee usually
aggravates. Overall I don't think I could live without it anymore.
And I tried some cheapo Argentinian stuff from a specialty store,
and man, it tasted awful. Nativa wins all the way around."
Chris Provenzano
Los Angeles, California
"I enjoy the
ritual of the tea and have given mates and tea to friends and
family as gifts."
Mary Hohenberger
Nyack, New York
"In the past
several years my wife and I have made Nativa Yerba Mate a regular
part of our lives. My wife found that she could not longer handle
the caffeine or the acidity of coffee, so tried yerba mate. Now
we brew a pot every morning in our drip coffee maker (I work at
home) and it's gone by lunchtime. Often a second pot goes on for
the afternoon. We have found that we like both the flavor and
effect of yerba mate much better than coffee. I'll have to admit,
I do still occasionally enjoy an expresso after a good restaurant
meal. I have tried a few other brands, but the quality, price
and service provided by Nativa is superior to any other."
Michael Casey
Fallbrook, California
"Nativa provides
me sustainable control over my daily energy output. I do not experience
the irritability or "crash" associated with drinking caffeinated
soda or other products that combine stimulants with unhealthy chemicals
like sugar, yellow 5, etc... Nativa has the best flavor of any brand
that I've tried (more than a dozen). It's rich, pleasantly bitter,
and has a slight roasted flavor especially compared to stemmed mate.
I love it!"
Michael Petree
New Castle, Utah
Mate is a cultural part in my life, I've
tried diferent kind of Yerba Mate's but
Nativa is the best one, it taste great and
you can tell that it is pure! It gives more energy than coffee. I'm 36 and I've been drinking
mate since I was a child, I'm really happy
that now we can share it with the rest of
the world!"
Ana Nunez Supervisor Greenville, South Carolina
site is amazing. I am from Argentina and
so I am a heavy mate drinker. I would like
to suggest another rule for the list.
- If you say "thank you" when
receiving or after drinking a mate you are
implying that you don't want more mate.
So, don't say it unless you want to be skipped
next time."
recently bought my first box of Nativa Yerba
Mate Tea Bags off of an ethnobotanical website.
I was placing my order and figured I would
try it since it was said to increase energy.
Not being much of a tea drinker I was pleasantly
suprised. The flavor reminded me of the only
tea I like, Green Tea. It was well worth the
money and gave me a sufficient energy boost."
Ken Bergmann
Computer Programmer
Keene, New Hampshire
a great product, I've been drinking it everyday
for over a year now and don't plan to stop."
Vicki Sutherland
Peguis, Manitoba, Canada
love this product. The teabags are great for easy
traveling. I take it everywhere with me. I
love that it is not bitter."
Patricia Morrone
Clinton, Connecticut
am very satisfied I will continue to buy Nativa."
David Johnson
College Park, Maryland
Nativa Yerba Mate has been a great addition to my
day. I miss it when I don't have my morning tea. .
Thank you!"
Sandy Negri
St Louis, Missouri
seems to have a subtle yet energizing flavor quality
similar to that of hearty coffee bean. I would best
describe Nativa as a crisp and rewarding anytime
David Wills
Richmond, Virginia
fantastic product! Fast and no-hassle ordering and
shipping, and above all the great taste of Yerba Mate
is second to none."
David Dietterich
Watertown, New York
"Of all
the Yerba Mate I've enjoyed, yours has the most pure
and elaborate flavoring. I'm a true fan."
Greg Godard
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
One and All: Thanks for your quick attention to my order.
You shipped on Tuesday, March 23, and by Friday I was sipping.
I'm new to Yerba Mate. I knew of Yerba from reading about
the Gauchos of Argentina, but hadn't tried it until friends
offered me some at supper. My first reaction was: Green Tea=YUCK!
(I've been drinking lots of strong coffee every day since
I was 14.) I was amazed! It made me think of horses and grass.
I was able to stop coffee overnight. I purchased some Yerba locally
and was decidedly unimpressed with the quality: there was
a lot of stems and lumber. Your product is clean, pure,
and tastes great. I still drink coffee but now it's my
pleasure to start Sunday by firing up the perculator with
some good Colombian. Now I can drink coffee because I like
it, not because I need it. I'm hooked on Yerba! Thanks very
Bryan Hughes
Westport, Ontario, Canada
"I have enjoyed
Yerba Mate for about a year, and have tried other brands. Nativa
Yeba Mate is by far the best I have tasted. There are no
stems, it appears to be 100% leaves. When I brew it, the liquid
is greener and darker than when I use other brands. The flavor
is great. Thanks for making such a great product."
Rebecca Meacham
High School Teacher
Burlington, North Carolina
Curtis Ryan
Brooklyn, New York
is the best tasting and smoothest mate I have had. I have tried
a number of other brands, but now my palate only allows Nativa.
Also, Nativa has the best effect on my mood."
William Malcolm Providence, Rhode Island
is the finest yerba mate I have found. Nativa is delicious,
with a nice aroma and complex flavor, fresh- not old and oxidized,
and consistent quality."
Andrew Gluesenkamp Biologist Austin, Texas
has been at least 5 years now my family has been drinking Nativa
Yerba Mate. In that time, Nativa has been great at answering my
emails, shipping product, providing tracking on packages, just going
the extra mile at service, not to mention a great web site that
is always improving. I am glad to see the expanded product line
-- it just shows that someone cares and is working hard to provide
a second to none product."
Scott Bushard Carpenter North Wilkesboro, North Carolina
"Some of the companies Yerba Mate say they have all leaf, and they do
look a little different, but they are twice as much money."
Donald Shine Gainesville, Florida
taste, your product is superior to what I've had here and what I
drank in Argentina. No stems! Also, I've ordered a number of
mates and bombillas from you. Again, very pleased"
Rich Sanders Lisbon, Connecticut
was introduced to Yerba Mate via Tribal Trading Company. Their mate
does have a little bit milder flavor, however, they are much higher
priced. For the quality to price difference, Nativa is a better
Bret Martin Monroe, North Carolina
took a chance on Nativa after reading your online ads. Boy, was
I pleased! No stems, No seeds, noth'n I don't need. Great Product!"
Dan Kutt Mechanical Engineer Canton, Ohio
consideration and dedication to the customer makes ordering from
you an experience I look forward to. Instead of a conducting
business transaction with an unknown, faceless supplier, I find
I am dealing with people who care about their product and whose
thoughtfulness (for their customers) is unsurpassed. It's like
ordering mate from a close friend."
Laurie Alexander Santa Cruz, California
good to have a company with excellent memory. Thanks for the
2 boxes."
Jean Austin El Paso, Texas
have bought other brands of yerba mate, and nativa has the best
quality. You never get stems with nativa. I've looked at local
co-op grocery stores, and have never found better quality, and even
after shipping and handling, the price is comparable."
Gabe McGuire Scientific Tech Bellingham, Washington
Yerba Mate website was a wonderful experience and holiday life
saver... I was able to send a wonderful gift to my daughter
in college. Thank you!"
Lesha Miles Spokane, Washington
"Nativa is the BEST!"
Janiece O'rear Chattanooga, Tennessee
Product. Great Service."
Mark Henderson
Sammamish, Washington
the web. Loved your tea. Ordering again. You're the only place
I order from."
Jesse Moore Lake Katrine, New York
"I tried two different brands
and immediately settled on Nativa yerba mate. The taste is so great
that I was able to discontinue my life long habit of coffee drinking!
I have not missed coffee since. I also have fun at business meetings
where coffee and bottled water are prevalent, and I am sitting there
drinking out of my gourd of Nativa yerba mate."
Mark Keil Chief Information Officer City of Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tennessee
been drinking Mate for years and Nativa is the best tasting and
most economical brand."
Michelle Erbs Visual Merchandising Napa, California
simply love Nativa -the quality and taste is wonderful, the pricing
competitive and it is so easy to order."
Nicole Inglish Yoga instructor and body worker Shakti's Yoga Shala Santa Barbara, CaliforniaS
it comes to running a company you are the best...quality products,
reasonable prices, fast traceable service and shipping...that's
the way to run a company! Thanks!!!"
Bernard Shomin Flushing, Michigan
"Your yerba
mate just arrived. I made a batch and it is the BEST I've ever
tasted!! It tastes fresh. It tastes refreshingly green!!!!"
Skookums Sonnenschein Freelance Harpist Anchorage, Alaska
have been drinking yerba mate regularly for about two years now.
Recently a relative who knows that I drink it gave me some of a
different brand, that it had been my grandfather's favorite. I had
never had any mate except yours and I could not believe the difference.
It was full of stems and the flavor was weak. Worst of all, that
smoky flavor that I look forward to was missing. After this experience
I can truly say that I believe Nativa is the best yerba mate there
Elisa Carlisle Bus Driver Ocean Springs, Maryland
been a confirmed mate drinker for 7 years now, and just got my first
batch from you--wow. What a difference--smooth, full flavored,
mellow, definitely the best mate I've ever enjoyed! thank you!!"
Kathleen Gibson

"Since replacing coffee with Mate, my mind is clearer, my energy
more stable and I feel excellent. My friends keep commenting on
how good I look. I order several kilos at a time and consume a lot.
I have bought it through other web sites and stores, always with
mixed results. The quality and price and service have been excellent
through Nativa. Their product is always high quality, evenly
ground, clean and not full of stems and non-leaf byproducts.
I get the product fast when I order, and they are always nice on
the phone and have it together. Thanks, Nativa!
I have been a yerba mate drinker since being introduced to it from a visiting English student from Argentina. Over the past year, I have been searching for a quality Bombilla and Gourd set. I can't tell you how please I was when I received my order from you. It has enhanced an already enjoyable and nutritious custom that we have adopted since being introduced to it by our South American friend."
Tim Bush VP of Sales Vancouver, BC

am originally from Uruguay, South America, and have always been
addicted to yerba mate. Thanks to Nativa have found a great provider
here in the United States."
Agustin Estefanell Student Florence, South Carolina
just want to say thanx for quality yerba mate. I am thoroughly
pleased with it, it is so much better than what I ordered from afnother
company. My roommate agrees. It tastes so good! You have another
customer who will always refer you all his friends who like yerba
Chris Roberts Student

time back, while reading a book on Argentina, I came across a reference
to yerba mate. It sounded lovely and I decided to try it. That was
almost 30 years ago. While it has not always been easy to obtain,
I haven't given up drinking this delicious nectar of Latin America.
What is most interesting is that, though I live in the coffee capitol
of the universe (Seattle), mate is making inroads among coffee drinkers
and you can now find mate sold both in tea stores and by the cup
in many coffee dispensaries. Nice. Every morning at work I use a
drip brew to serve myself a cup of mate. It's my favorite part of
the (work) day. Thanks, Nativa. I now know where I can get my
mate easily and inexpensively."
Edward M. Vaughn Accounting Tech. Seattle, WA
the humans at Nativa: Thank you very much I received my bombilla
order today, and was impressed by your efficiency. Yours
in the maté experience."
Johnny Cavazos
I just received my order today. I was very pleased and happy
with your shipping and packaging. You are fast! The gourds are beautiful,
I love the Bombillas and the tea is just great too!! It was both
for myself and also a gift. I just got hooked on it 2 weeks ago
and I love your teas as they don't have stems, and that it's wild-harvested.
I am not a coffee drinker, but I love teas! Hot or iced. Your Yerba
is great on ice. I drink it all evening at work. I have told everyone
at work about your Co. I took tea bags to work for everyone to try.
Love your site. Best Regards..."
Joyce Travis St Louis, MO

I was 5, I have traveled to see my family in Uruguay. Yerba mate
has never been anything unfamiliar. Since my latest trip a few years
ago I've been drinking yerba mate almost daily. I moved to school
and was searching for a new supply. The store around here carry
a few types, but they are mostly stem, and are quite bitter and
unpleasant. I did a search on the Internet and I was elated to
find a brand of yerba mate of equal quality with the kind that my
Uruguayan relatives drink."
Matthew Harman Zoology/Philosophy Student Arcata, CA

"Wow, I was impressed the difference in taste compared
to other brands, it was a lot smoother and not at all bitter.
I have also enjoyed sustained energy all day long, no caffeine headaches,
no shakes, only clear thinking. This is only the tip of the iceberg on
what it has done for my family as I am encouraging my children to
drink it by keeping it in the fridge cold for them during the day
(we have a family of 7)."
Scott Bushard Trim Carpenter Lansing, Michigan
have more mental clarity and focus when using Nativa Yerba Mate.
But what I have noticed even more so, is the better sleep patterns
when drinking it during the day."
Randall Ives
Saint Paul, Minnesota
"With the help
of Nativa Yerba Mate I've lowered Caffeine in my diet. Thanks!"
Joe Kenz Naples, Idaho
"When my doctor
suggested I give up black tea and coffee a year ago, I switched
to drinking Green Tea for the perceived health benefits. However,
I found it somewhat unsatisfying as a morning beverage. Luckily,
I discovered Yerba Mate and I've never looked back. I began ordering
my yerba mate from Nativa for their great services and prices (just
one third of what I was paying here in BC). Since switching to
yerba mate, I experience none of the jittery side effects of coffee,
sleep very well and just generally feel great!"
Jim Sutton Family Therapist Vancouver, British Columbia

discovered Nativa Yerba Mate while helping my son research for a
school project on Uruguay. We bought some to serve his class as
part of his presentation, but of course I had to try it first. One
taste had me hooked. I immediately bought a bag for myself as the
rest had to be used for the class project. I prepare it in a
coffee pot. I can drink it any time of day, and it never keeps me
awake like coffee and tea did."
Hans Stevens Elementary School Principal Alpena, Michigan