Yerba Mate Preparation
There are many ways to prepare yerba mate. The quantities suggested below are guidelines. Adjust them for desired taste and strength. Use 150-degree water to steep the yerba mate for a minimum of three minutes before straining.

Yerba mate can be brewed directly into a coffee pot, or into a Bunn airpot. For a 64oz drip coffee maker, place two ounces of dry yerba mate in a coffee filter and brew as you would coffee. Do not overfill, as the yerba mate expands rapidly and the filter will overflow. |
 This requires a "mate" (natural gourd) and a "bombilla" (filter straw). Do not use very hot or boiling water with a metal bombilla straw.
Begin by filling the traditional 'mate gourd' to two-thirds full with yerba mate.

Accomodate the yerba mate on one side of the mate gourd, leaving a hollow area on the other side.

Add a little cold water into the hollow area you have created. Add just enough water so as to not moisten the very top of the yerba mate.

Leave the mate gourd tilted for a few minutes until the yerba mate has absorbed the water. |

Cover the mouth of the bombilla with your thumb, and insert the filtered end to the bottom of the mate gourd in the hollow area. |

Add hot (150 degrees F) water to the hollow area until it reaches just below the top of the yerba mate, and you have your first prepared drink! Sip all the tea from the mate gourd, and add more hot water. Add water, sip, repeat. Got it? The first few drinks are strong; the flavor will weaken as more water is added for each drink. Replace the yerba mate as needed (one-two thermoses depending on the quality of the yerba). |
©2024 Nativa Yerba Mate
375 Redondo Ave, A561
Long Beach, California 90814
651-253-7516 |